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Fagottini Prosciutto & Pere, la Ricetta

Posted in: Aeolia News, CuocoGrafo, L'Uovo alla 'Cuoc', News

A Grande Richiesta la Ricetta (in English scroll down)

Ingredienti per 4 persone

250g Farina
2 uova
1 Cucchiai di olio di oliva
1/2 Bicchiere d’acqua
Sale q.b.
100 g Ricotta
2 Pere
250g Mascarpone
100g Prosciutto Cotto di Praga


Disporre la farina a fontana ed unire tutti gli ingredienti, avendo cura di sciogliere prima il sale nell’acqua.
Lavorare l’impasto senza farlo diventare troppo elastico, quindi formare una palla e lasciarla riposare per circa un 1 ora avvolta nella pellicola.

Stendere quindi la pasta in sfoglie sottili. Ricavare più quadrati possibili incidendo con un coltello la pasta (10cmx10cm ca.).
Pelare e tagliare a cubetti molto piccoli le

pere. Al centro di ogni quadrato mettere un po’ di pera quindi la ricotta, alzare quindi 2 lembi del quadrato e con le dita unirli il più basso possibile, unire quindi i restanti 2 lembi nello stesso punto. Per creare appunto il fagotino. Tagliare le pere restanti sottili e disporre sul piatto.  Cucinare e servire con la salsa di mascarpone e prosciutto cotto tagliato a striscioline.

Abbiamo visto che vengono meglio se li cuociamo da congelati, in modo che la pasta non venga troppo inumidita dal composto

Se il composto risultasse troppo umido (per la ricotta o le pere) aggiungere un pò di grana padano o pane gratuggiato.

RICORDO che insegnamo a afre i fagottini nei nostri corsi… dal vivo

PS volete il video ? chiedete e forse vi sarà dato

In Inglese for 4

250 grams of flour (2 eggs)
1 tablespoon of olive oil ½ cup of water
A pinch of salt
Ricotta cheese
2 Pears (Abate or Williams)
250 Grams of Mascarpone cheese
100 Grams of slightly smoked cooked ham (Prosciutto Cotto di Praga)

Dissolve the salt into the water and add to the flour along with the eggs and olive oil. Work the pasta dough until it starts to pull away from the bowl. Knead the dough without making it too elastic into a large ball or oval. Wrap the dough in clear plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator to “rest” for about an hour. Cut the dough into small chunks and run through a pasta machine starting with the highest setting, gradually changing the thickness setting on the pasta machine until the pasta is a thin consistency. Cut the pasta into small squares about 10 cm by 10 cm. Chop the pear into very small pieces and add a little olive oil, salt and white pepper. Fill the past squares with some ricotta and pear mixture pushing the fi lling to the bottom and forming a pouch with four flaps taking the form of a flower. Place the “fagottini” on a plate with corn meal to prevent the pasta from sticking and put in the freezer. Sauce: Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan – add sliced ham and about a tablespoon of mascarpone cheese per serving. A serving is about ten fagottini. Salt and Pepper the sauce to taste. Cook the pasta in slated water for 2-3 minutes (pasta should be floating on top of the water when cooked.) Add the cooked pasta to the sauce and coat before serving.

PS best if you frooze before coocking, if you need help I remember that we teach live how to make fagottini in our course, just contact me

PPS IF YOU NEED A VIDEO…. just ask, maybe we make one!

(15) Comments

    • For the video. I already have it, just the time to make it better. The ricotta.. depend the type of pear and even the type of ricotta do you use, the dole must be not much wet and not much dry… use in combination with the bread crumbs.
      Try and let me know

  1. I would like to see a video please ! This was my favorite meal in Italy. I tried to make it but something went wrong it was not the same 🙁

  2. I’m so excited to see this video! so many of the questions i have will be answered by it. I have been wanting this meal since i left Itay in July!

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